Back in 2007, Michael worked as the Technical Editor on a document that outlined a set of standards and workflows for the photography industry. The work was seen as important to the industry & it received a million dollar grant from the Library of Congress. In 2008 the work was published as UPDIG (the Universal Photographic Digital Imaging Guidelines) The project was lead by Richard Anderson with help from Peter Krogh and a team of wise imaging professionals. The standards and practices were vetted by all the major photography, graphic design and printing associations.
We are proud to announce that in 2020, this work is still viewed as the go-to guide for photographic industry standards and the document has been updated and renamed as the ASMP Digital Photography Guide. There is a Quick Guide that outlines the principles of good imaging practices and a full guide with details on color management, Metadata, File Types, Delivery Methods, etc. The Guide is full of links and helpful resources. We hope Michael, Richard and Peter’s hard work is helpful to all those who work in the photographic industry.