Having Your Professional Portrait Made
Here are a few things to help you prepare for having your portrait made:
Directions to Studio 76
Studio 76 is on the left side of my residence at 1576 Kingstream Circle, Herndon Va. We are set back from the street at the end of a pipe-stem driveway. We have parking down the long driveway.
Give us a call if you’re lost or running late: 703.501.1500
Hair: If you haven’t had your hair cut in a while, you might consider it. Ignore this if you don’t have hair. If you’re a 5 o’clock shadow guy and you’re scheduled for a 4:30 portrait session, bring a razor. Disregard this if you have a beard.
Style: When choosing what to wear for a business portrait, you must consider what the audience expects you to look like. Regardless of what you wear every day, business portraits should represent the company image and your personal style. Clothing that stays in style is important. Shirts with some tone (blue, gray, tan) are preferred over pure white. Solid colors usually look better than patterns in photographs. Bring more than one “look” if you have any questions. I’m happy to help you decide what will look good on-camera.
Know what you like: Please practice a couple of smiles and expressions in the mirror. Don’t worry, my jokes are famous (infamous) and we will get a good expression out of you one way or another.
Make Up: We can apply a stage powder and occasionally a few other items. Women may want to schedule a time in a salon prior to having a portrait made. Note: Stylist and Makeup Artists are available upon request.
Working Together: I need your cooperation to make the best possible portrait of you. I want you to be happy with the image that you use to portray your business self. It’s often the first impression clients and colleagues will have of you.
Thank You,
Michael Stewart