Utilize SmugMug Galleries
We utilize an online gallery system called SmugMug. It’s similar to other online ordering systems you may be familiar with like MPIX and Shutterfly. SmugMug utilizes several other companies on the back end for print and product ordering. Let us know what your printing needs are and we can help you get those prints done right. SmugMug offers our clients some key advantages over the other services and also offers us the abilities for customization that we need.
Our standard delivery of images includes a download link of all your images and a SmugMug gallery. Even those people who have Lightroom and Photoshop skills, will still find SmugMug useful. For those who do not have image editing software, SmugMug gives you the basic tools you need to resize and share files.
Our clients use Smugmug in the following ways:
We will be posting some how to videos on SmugMug for our clients. There was an update that made our client videos obsolete and we need to remake them.